Tanpa memperhitungkan sebelum ini mereka tidak berbuat apa-apa di Bagan Pinang, mereka akan menjanjikan pembangunan.
SUMBER http://www.utaraonline.net/
Posted by pondokmaya at 10:41:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
Posted by pondokmaya at 10:30:00 PM 0 comments
"Tidak lupa juga kepada semua penyokong yang mendoakan perjalanan hari penamaan calon walaupun tidak dapat hadir bersama ke tempat penamaan calon itu," ujarnya ketika ditemui di markaz induk PAS Bagan Pinang selepas selesai penamaan calon pagi tadi.
Disamping itu, beliau juga merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua parti Pakatan Rakyat yang memberi kerjasama dan sokongan yang cukup baik kepada PAS yang mewakili Pakatan Rakyat.
Tambahnya, kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh Pakatan Rakyat merupakan amanah yang besar kepadanya dalam mengisi kemenangan berturut kepada Pakatan Rakyat.
Ditanya mengenai peluang untuk menang, beliau yakin bahawa Pakatan Rakyat yang diwakili oleh PAS mampu memenangi kerusi DUN Bagan Pinang pada hari pengundian 11 Oktober nanti. Ditambah sokongan kuat dan gerak kerja berterusan dari ahli PKR dan DAP.
Ini adalah berdasarkan kepada kesedaran rakyat Bagan Pinang yang memahami keadaan politik negara pada masa ini," ujarnya. Terdahulu, beliau turut meminta petugas dan penyokong PAS agar menunaikan solat hajat demi mencapai kemenangan yang diharapkan.
Posted by pondokmaya at 10:16:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
Posted by pondokmaya at 7:09:00 PM 0 comments
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Oleh ayiem
Media arus perdana telah menjalankan tugas-tugas mengampu dan membodek mereka dengan cukup cekap dan berkesan. Dimana sahaja ada kenyataan dari pihak Pakatan Rakyat cepat sahaja mereka melaporkannya dengan tokok tambah dan pindaan sesedap rasa.
Sekiranya tiada kenyataan dari pihak Pakatan Rakyat,mereka pula mencari jalan untuk menghubungi dan mencari pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat yang boleh mereka temubual dan dengan hasil temubual itu mereka mula mengolah dan memutar-belitkan seenak mereka kenyataan dari pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat supaya berita itu memberikan keuntungan kepada UM-no/be END.
Telah terlalu banyak kenyataan-kenyataan pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat yang diputar belit oleh media arus perdana dan puak-puak pencacai bertauliah ini akan terus menerus melakukannya hanya kerana mengikut telunjuk dari orang-orang yang berkepentingan dikalangan pihak atasan mereka.
Puak pencacai bertauliah ini tidak pernah mengerti perkataan serik walaupun mereka diancam dengan saman oleh orang yang difitnah mereka kerana mereka sedar, ada pihak yang akan menolong mereka sekiranya mereka disaman oleh sebab kerja-kerja jahat yang mereka lakukan.
Kerja-kerja jahat ini akan lebih aktif apabila ada pilihanraya kecil (PRK) ataupun apabila mereka mahu membantu menjatuhkan imej pimpinan yang tidak sebulu dengan mereka.
Sebagai contohnya, pencacai bertauliah dari akhbar Utusan Meloya (Penyebar Fitnah Rakyat) telah beberapa kali menyiarkan kenyataan dari Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Menteri Besar Kelantan, yang diputar belit dengan cukup biadap sehingga menyebabkan ianya menjadi satu isu sensasi yang sangat merimaskan pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat dan laporan putar belit itu telah dijaja oleh pimpinan UM-no/be END dengan niat untuk merendahkan imej Tuan Guru Nik Aziz.
Bila diugut untuk disaman, puak-puak pencacai bertauliah ini akan memohon maaf tetapi tidak berapa lama kemudian mula mengulangi lagi kerja keji mereka seolah-olah tidak pernah melakukan kesalahan dan tidak pernah merasa menyesal dengan kerja keji dan jahat serta hina yang mereka lakukan.
Posted by pondokmaya at 5:12:00 PM 0 comments
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Posted by pondokmaya at 12:21:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
Dato' Yap Kat Boon Different companies for different projects in Negri Sembilan. Mostly JV with Isa's proxies. |
Posted by pondokmaya at 10:10:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by pondokmaya at 9:58:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by pondokmaya at 7:18:00 PM 0 comments
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Posted by pondokmaya at 7:11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
Hari ini saya dihujani dengan e-mail dan sms daripada pelbagai pihak termasuk pimpinan parti saya dan teman-teman penyokong Pakatan yang membaca laporan akhbar di dalam Berita Harian halaman 6 bertarikh 29 September 2009 bertajuk "Pemuda PKR mahu jawatan KM digilir ikut formula baru".
Ingin saya jelaskan di sini bahawa saya tidak pernah sekali-kali membangkitkan isu jawatan KM DIGILIR ikut formula baru. Saya memberi pandangan berlatar belakangkang sambutan hari raya yang antara lain menunjukkan bahawa terdapat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap citra kepimpinan politik baru yang dibawa oleh Pakatan Rakyat selepas 8 Mac 2009. Kunjungan rakyat berbilang kaum ke rumah-rumah terbuka anjuran pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat tidak kira bangsa seperti yang dianjurkan oleh pimpinan PKR, DAP dan PAS menggambarkan bahawa formula kepimpinan yang digunakan oleh BN/UMNO yang mengangkat agenda perkauman telah ditolak.
Saya cadangkan kenyataan saya dibaca tanpa TAJUK dan Tafsiran yang diberikan oleh akhbar, tetapi fokus kepada petikan (quotation) yang digunakan yang lebih menggambarkan kenyataan saya yang sebenar. Saya yakin pembaca sekalian mempunyai kematangan untuk membezakan apa yang benar dan apa yang salah.
Yusmadi YusoffPosted by pondokmaya at 6:30:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
By Baradan Kuppusamy
There is one reason why the majority of the 2,800 Indian voters in Bagan Pinang, who voted PAS in Election 2008, are likely to again vote for the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the Oct 11 by-election.
The reason is total neglect of the community, not just between March 2008 and now but over several decades.
In fact the worst neglect happened during the 24-year tenure of Tan Sri Isa Mohamad Samad, the Barisan Nasional (BN)/Umno candidate in the by-election.
“It is such an irony that the man who is to be largely blamed for the neglect of the Indian community in Bagan Pinang has returned to become the candidate,” said Vasantha Kumar, a former Hindraf leader who is urging the Indian voters to back PR.
“BN/MIC/Umno have all neglected them,” he said. “Now they are facing the same voters again and making the same unfulfilled promises.”
His former compatriot P. Uthayakumar, who is head of the yet unregistered Human Rights Party, is urging the Indian voters to boycott the by-election and refrain from voting to register their anger against their neglect.
The MIC and the newly formed Makkal Sakthi Party are also promising Umno that they can win over the Indians.
A cursory survey of the Indian votes, which form about 20 per cent of the total of about 13,000, shows they are marginalised and sidelined from mainstream development.
They are ripe for PR’s “change now” propaganda because they have suffered for many years watching development pass them by.
Issues close to their hearts — Tamil schools, temples, a Hindu lifestyle and upward mobility — have all been severely neglected in the past 30 years.
The seven Tamil schools in the constituency are in a dilapidated state with leaking roofs, creaking floors and crumbling walls.
The toilets are damaged, the pipes broken and the electrical wiring exposed, posing a danger to the students faced with an education that takes them nowhere.
One can see the same neglect in the temples, in the burial ground and in the sole crematorium which is so dilapidated that villagers are shy to show it to visitors.
Many of the youths have left the constituency and now work as unskilled labour in factories in Nilai, Seremban and in Johor, returning once a week with provisions for their aged parents and other siblings.
Many also do menial work in KLIA while others work in orchards and fish farms.
“I have tried my hand at many things — fish breeding, rearing cows and goats, lorry transport… you name it I have tried it,” said Ganesan, 37, who operates a tea stall by the roadside.
“We are on our own… no loans, no skills training, no recognition, nothing,” he said. “They have no eyes for us… they don’t see us.”
“Why should I vote for them?” he asked, referring to Umno.
How about the MIC? Ganesan snorts: “They take care of themselves… every branch chairman here has made it. It is tough to become a branch chairman… I tried but failed. I would have made it if I had succeeded.”
It is not that Ganesan and others like him in Bagan Pinang love PAS or they hate Umno. “It is more like we are frustrated… we want to be cared for, we want to be looked after, we want our children to have a future,” he said.
“I will vote PAS again because I am angry,” said Ragu, a patron at the stall. “We want to show our unhappiness. PAS is not great, it cannot change our lives but like us they are also poor, they are also struggling like us.”
“Like us they (PAS) are also under attack,” he said
A local Tamil school teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Isa was down to earth and respected but Indians who voted PAS in 2008 will stay with PAS.
“The older Indian voters would support Isa out of respect but don’t expect any kindness from the younger generation,” he said. “The youths are one angry lot… they are struggling to make ends meet. They will stay with PAS.”
Malays here have always liked Isa and it is home ground for him, said the teacher, adding that the former mentri besar has generated positive momentum and is leading the race.
He said the Indian votes are crucial for Isa to win by a big majority but he can still win just on the Malay and army votes.
SUMBER DARI http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/Posted by pondokmaya at 9:58:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
Oleh Zamri Omar
Apabila bekas Presiden Umno, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyatakan pendapatnya bahawa bekas Naib Presiden Umno, Tan Sri Isa Samad tidak harus dijadikan calon mewakili Barisan Nasional di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri Bagan Pinang, maka bermulalah masalah bagi gabungan parti itu.
Ini kerana jika Barisan memilih juga Isa, maka rakyat Malaysia yang masih banyak menyokong Dr Mahathir akan memandang serong terhadap gabungan parti itu. Nasihat Dr Mahathir telah tidak didengar oleh Barisan sedangkan beliau tentu lebih mengetahui dan mahir dalam percaturan politik daripada pucuk pimpinan Barisan hari ini.
Tetapi jika Barisan mendengar nasihat Dr Mahathir, maka cakap-cakap politik yang timbul ialah, siapakah yang menjadi pemimpin Barisan, bekas presiden Umno itu atau Presiden Umno sekarang? Jadi apapun Barisan putuskan, ia tetap menjadi masalah dari segi pilihan calon itu.
Namun begitu, jika fokusnya adalah untuk memenangi pilihan raya kecil itu, maka pertimbangan bebas harus dibuat untuk memilih sama ada Isa ataupun bukan. Jika risikan undi mendapati bahawa Isa mampu memberi kemenangan kepada Barisan, maka wajar bekas Menteri Besar itu dipilih sebagai calon. Perkara lain ditolak tepi dahulu.
Dalam kempen, bolehlah berhujah bahawa Isa telah pun dihukum dari segi politik wang, maka tidak ada sebab mengapa beliau tidak diberi peluang untuk dicalonkan. Banyak lagi kes dalam politik, di mana salah laku pemimpin, termasuk di kalangan pembangkang yang kedudukan politiknya dipulihkan. Bagi orang Umno, dan Melayu umumnya sebarang tindakan yang dikenakan ke atas Isa bukanlah dilihat sebagai berpunca daripada salah laku, tetapi lebih kepada permainan politik.
Lagipun soal politik wang yang kelihatan serius dan dibimbangi akan melunturkan jati diri Umno dan Barisan, tetapi ada pula pihak yang melihat bahawa keseluruhan cara berpolitik di negara ini, yang dibentuk oleh Umno sejak negara ini mencapai kemerdekaan tidak akan terlepas dari politik wang. Walaupun mungkin ada cara-cara yang boleh mengawalnya, tetapi dari segi asas dan struktur, serta penerimaan pelaku-pelaku politik, maka apa yang dilakukan oleh Isa dan seumpamanya tidak pula dipandang sebagai suatu yang melanggar etika.
Keadaan inilah yang menjadi masalah kepada Pakatan Rakyat dalam cara berpolitik. Sungguh sukar untuk melepaskan diri daripada politik wang walaupun baru sedikit atau hanya bayang-bayang turut menjadi satu cabaran bagi parti-parti Pakatan. Corak politik wang selah-olah diterima oleh orang ramai dan mengubah budaya politik amat sukar bagi Pakatan Rakyat sendiri, apatah lagi Barisan.
Maka dalam hal Isa dan Bagan Pinang, ada kebenaran seperti apa yang disuarakan oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng. Dengan meletakkan Isa sebagai calon, mungkin Barisan boleh menang. Tetapi menurut Lim, Barisan akan menang pertempuran dan bukannya peperangan.
Apa yang dimaksudkan ialah mungkin dengan meletakkan Isa sebagai calon, maka Barisan boleh menang di Bagan Pinang, tetapi kesannya ialah gabungan parti itu akan mengalami cabaran terhadap kewibawaannya bagi pilihan raya umum akan datang hingga menyebabkan ia boleh kalah.
Tetapi pandangan Lim ini boleh diterima jika masyarakat Malaysia pada umumnya sememangnya mempunyai pendirian menolak politik wang secara tegas. Di sinilah cabarannya. Andai kata sebilangan besar masyarakat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum melihat politik wang sebagai sesuatu yang lumrah dan dapat diterima, maka Barisan akan terus dapat memegang kuasa. Sebaliknya pihak Pakatan pula yang terpaksa menurut jejak Barisan.
Tetapi jika rakyat Malaysia secara umum boleh menerima politik wang dalam konteks berlembut dengan gejala rasuah serta korupsi, maka malang bagi negara ini. Walaupun cuba hendak dibolehkan supaya masyarakat boleh beroperasi lebih-lebih lagi di negara-negara membangun, tetapi pandangan umum melihat bahawa korupsi baik terutama dalam politik akan menjahanamkan negara. Di sinilah Dr Mahathir amat tegas menolaknya walaupun beliau sendiri tidak berupaya menghapuskan semasa ada kuasa dahulu.
Tetapi jika kedua-dua pihak, Barisan dan Pakatan komited untuk membanteras korupsi, rasuah dan politik wang, maka kedua-dua wajar tegas menolaknya. Barisan, dengan tidak perlu teragak-agak menerima saranan Dr Mahathir terus menolak Isa. Walaupun kemungkinan jentera Barisan lumpuh di Bagan Pinang dan adanya risiko kalah, tetapi mempertahankan prinsip menolak politik wang adalah satu asas yang mulia untuk dipegang, tidak kiralah sama ada rakyat Malaysia boleh menerima atau tidak.
Di pihak Pakatan pula, mereka mesti sentiasa berhujah menolak politik wang. Tindakan seumpama ini akan memaksa Barisan mencari calon bersih. Sekaligus Pakatan juga akan berusaha untuk mendapatkan calon yang juga sepadan dengan apa yang diajukan oleh Barisan. Tetapi dalam hal menolak politik wang, ia bukan soal kemenangan mana-mana calon atau parti. Apa yang penting adalah kemenangan negara dan rakyat Malaysia untuk berpegang kepada prinsip menolak politik wang.
Lebih-lebih lagi parti yang akan mewakili Pakatan adalah PAS. Perjuangan yang lebih besar bagi PAS bukan semata-mata untuk memenangj pilihan raya hatta melalui pilihan raya kecil Bagan Pinang tetapi pegangan kepada etika menolak rasuah dan politik wang supaya tidak turut merayap ke dalam organisasi itu.
Pegangan menoloak korupsi bukan saja untuk memelihara imej Pakatan dan PAS tetapi nama Islam itu sendiri. Ini kerana di mana-mana PAS berada atau bertanding untuk pilihan raya, ia membawa panji-panji Islam, dan sudah tentu amanah ini adalah lebih besar.
SUMBER DARI http://www.detikdaily.net/Posted by pondokmaya at 9:42:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
Posted by pondokmaya at 9:28:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: politics
By Raja Petra Kamarudin
Most Malaysians don’t think twice about the level of corruption in this country. Some even welcome it. How many times have you illegally parked your car or dashed through a red light and paid the policeman a bribe of RM50 or RM100 to save paying a RM300 fine if you are issued a summons?
And that is cheap, mind you. In the police lockup, we have to pay the policemen RM100 for a three-minute local phone call and RM10 for a stick of cigarette. So that comes to RM200 per packet. I paid RM200 for one night’s ‘protection’. For RM200 I was placed in a ‘special’ lockup where a detainee awaiting trial for murder took me under his wing so that the others could not get at me. He even threw in a cigarette as part of the ‘package’.
And it costs RM250,000 for a drug dealer to escape the gallows.
My wife, who in 2001 was detained overnight in the women’s section of the police lockup, the same night I was arrested, spoke to one Indonesian woman who was on her second drug dealing arrest. The first time she and her husband were arrested they had to pay RM500,000 for both of them to get released. They were trying to arrange another RM500,000 to get out of this second arrest. So that came to RM1 million for two arrests. Imagine how much they must be making dealing in drugs. More importantly, imagine how much the police are making each time they get arrested.
I spoke to many of my Chinese businessmen friends and they admitted that it is easier to do business when corruption is involved. This saves time since you can bypass the normal requirements and get your applications approved much faster by just bribing the government officers. Sometimes, when you are not ‘eligible’, you can become eligible by paying bribes. So bribes actually help when faced with certain obstacles -- and there are definitely many 'obstacles' when dealing with governments in third world countries like Malaysia.
When corruption does not affect you directly you are not too concerned about it. It is like crime. As long as the robbers do not break into your home to rob you and rape your wife or daughter then who bothers too much about the high level of crime? It is when it is you that is hit that you become outraged about the high crime rate and the low level of police enforcement and lack of effort to combat crime.
Is it not those who suffer or suffered from cancer, or have lost a loved one to cancer, who gets involved in anti-cancer movements or associations? How many of us who never had to face cancer would want to donate generously to the anti-cancer effort? We never bother about something that does not affect us. And the same goes for other things as well, such as corruption and whatnot.
But corruption does affect us, contrary to what many may be thinking. Sometimes it affects us directly. Most times, indirectly.
An average of ten people die each day on Malaysian roads. Many more are seriously injured or maimed, sometimes resulting in them no longer being able to work and earn a living. The main reason for this is that Malaysians do not know how to drive.
Now, let there not be any confusion over this statement. Malaysians may have a valid driving licence. But Malaysians do not know how to drive. Do you know that in some European countries you can exchange your Singapore driving licence for a driving licence of your host country? But they will not accept a Malaysian driving licence. Malaysian driving licences tak laku (have no value).
I know someone, now deceased, who had a driving licence but could not even reverse her car out of the driveway. How in heaven’s name did she pass her driving test and get a licence if she can’t even reverse her car? And for sure she can’t drive.
Well, she told me. The driving school has two schemes. One is the ‘guaranteed to pass your driving test’ scheme -- which means you will pass your driving test and get a driving licence even if you can’t drive. The other scheme involves you taking the driving test and passing it all on your own.
The trouble with this legitimate scheme, though, is that even if you know how to drive they will still fail you as ‘punishment’ for refusing to participate in the ‘guaranteed to pass’ scheme. So it is better to pay, even if you can drive, and especially if you can’t, to be assured off a driving licence.
So, about ten people a day die on Malaysian roads because most of them have a driving licence but do not know how to drive. And those who die could be you, a family member, an office colleague, or a close friend. In short, that person who died in the traffic accident could be someone you know or someone close to you.
Therefore, corruption does affect you when you lose someone because of corruption -- or if it is you who dies. If this person were forced to learn how to drive properly before being given a licence then maybe he or she would still be alive today. I have personally lost scores of friends and relatives due to traffic accidents over the last 50 years or so. Sometimes it is their fault. The sad part is when the accident is someone else’s fault and you are a victim of reckless or inconsiderate drivers who have absolutely no road sense whatsoever.
I have also lost people dear to me due to poor medical facilities. There are not enough hospital beds in the intensive care unit or not enough dialysis machines or whatever, which results in poor medical facilities. And these people had to die because of this.
It is not that Malaysia does not have enough money to improve its medical facilities. It is that Malaysia spends the money for the wrong reasons -- and spends too much on top of that because there are kickbacks and commissions involved in every project and procurement. So medical facilities take a back seat and many of us have lost friends, colleagues and relatives because they were denied prompt or proper medical treatment.
If the money had not been wasted and had instead been spent for the right purposes -- medical and education being the two most important -- then Malaysia would be a much better place. As it is, our medical and educational facilities are below the so-called first world infrastructure that we are so proud of.
We have the best weapons. We have fantastic bridges, buildings and roads. Heck, we even have submarines now. But we are extremely lacking when it comes to medical and educational facilities. And health and education are far more important than all those white elephants and monuments that swallow billions but bring no income to the country, as would most white elephants and monuments.
Cars cost a lot in Malaysia. That, again, is due to corruption. If the government allowed a free-for-all in the car industry then cars would cost much cheaper than they do now. But they can’t allow a free-for-all. They can’t because cronies of those who walk in the corridors of power are making a lot of money from the car import permits and whatnot. So Malaysians have to pay double what they should actually be paying for their cars. But their salaries are not double what they should be.
So you end up a slave of your car instead of the car being your slave. You work for your car when your car should instead be working for you. And because of the sorry state of public transport you have no choice but to own a car. You just can’t get around without a car like you can in so many other countries.
After paying for your car what do you have left at the end of the day? Most times, because of your car, you can’t afford a decent home. Malaysians are actually very poor. The cost of living is so high while the salaries are very low. And corruption keeps Malaysians poor.
So perish the thought if you thought corruption does not affect you. It does, in more ways than you realise. And only naïve people would believe that corruption does not personally affect them or is actually beneficial to business. Malaysians are paying a heavy price for corruption. And the worse thing is we do not even realise we are paying.
Malaysians pay billions in all forms of taxes. But a lot of this money does not come back to us. It gets flushed down the toilet. Billions are lost -- RM30 billion by some estimates. And this is our money. Imagine if we had to pay only RM0.30 for a litre of petrol or RM1.80 for a packet of cigarette or RM50,000 for a Honda Civic. Would you not have more money left in your pocket? Nowadays, your money is finished by the tenth day of the month and you have to wait another 20 days for your next paycheque.
Don’t even start talking about saving money for a rainy day. This is just not possible. Corruption has taken away all your money whereas considering how rich this country is we should not even be asked to pay taxes or, even if we are, it could be a very minimum level that hardly hurts us.
For decades, the opposition has been fighting for the government to set a fair minimum wage appropriate to the cost of living. But the government does not agree to the RM900 per month minimum wage proposal.
In fact, even RM900 is still too low. Countries like the UK have announced that the minimum wage will now be adjusted to about RM35 per hour. That is what some Malaysians earn in a day. Yet the price of cigarettes in the UK is almost the same as in Malaysia. And so goes for many other things as well -- while cars are half the price or less compared to Malaysia.
No, Malaysians are poor. You earn so much less and have to pay so much more. Then corruption takes away what little you have left. And Malaysians still believe that corruption does not affect them directly.
And that is why I am of the opinion that PAS is not focused. They should be addressing the core issues. And the core issue here is corruption and how it affects us. Banning beer or sexy singers from appearing on stage does not offer Malaysians a better life. Even if beer and sexy singers are banned Malaysians will still remain poor. And we will remain poor because our money is being plundered and our low salaries and high taxes do not allow us a decent life.
Prophet Muhammad declared war on riba’ (usury). Riba’ basically means making money from no effort of your own. And, according to Sheikh Imran Hossein, there are 80 levels of riba’, corruption being one of them (since corruption involves making money in a dishonest manner and from no effort of your own).
But PAS does not declare war on corruption. PAS declares war on beer and sexy women. PAS does not understand that corruption and poverty is the real enemy. Poverty enslaves us. Corruption makes us even poorer.
PAS should take up the Prophet’s real fight, the fight against corruption and poverty. And poverty is the breeding ground of corruption. When you are broke one week after receiving your salary you need to resort to corruption to survive.
SUMBER DARI http://mt.m2day.org/Posted by pondokmaya at 6:23:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: crime
Posted by pondokmaya at 7:55:00 AM 0 comments
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Posted by pondokmaya at 5:57:00 PM 0 comments
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Posted by pondokmaya at 9:12:00 PM 0 comments